Since I started working for lykke hjemme the company is getting bigger and  now we are almost 40 girls. Each of us is different, with different background  and knowledge, but we all should work with the same method and style. Better cooperation helps the job and make it more efficient, saving time,  energy and money and makes people’s life easier. 


Every time we approach an appointment the team should decide how to  optimize the workflow. I suggest to do as I was trained time ago: one take  care of kitchen and bathroom the other one dust and vacuum. If one is done with her task will help the other partner to get the job done  together as a team. 

In the end together we clean the floor. 

Many times I heard “is my customer” when I was taking over another route  and in my opinion doesn’t exist “my customer” because all customers are  LYKKE HJEMME’S customers. 


Everybody must use more the app to fill in all the information about each  customer and those information needs to be clear for everybody else. Information such as: 

Parking, how where and payment (EASY PARK) 

Keys and nokkelbox, where I can find and code 

Floor number apartment number 

Rooms to clean, which one has to be clean and which not (customer have  to leave the door open of the room that he/she want to be cleaned, so we  don’t get any surprise like sleeping or naked people) 

Special request from customer, different chemical, pay attention to specific  areas or places. 

All those information are very important because when someone else is  taking that customer we knows everything in an eye-blink without calling  anyone and wasting time.


All the cars should be equipped with appropriate equipment, tools, chemicals. 


Vacuum cleaner with long cable (170 sqm house with short cable is a  struggle!) 

Bags for vacuum 

Yellow duster 

Bucket for water  

2 mop sticks  



White sponge 

Sponge for oven  

Bags for garbage 

Bags for dirty mops and cloths 

Hands sanitizer 


I suggest to adopt a STARDARD for chemical. 

DAGLIGRENT floor, kitchen, mirror, inside windows, outside shower box SANITAERRRENT SURT PERIODISK: bathroom, toilet, shower,kalk JIF: WC 

PLUMBO (with mask) : oven 

– Products for desperate housewives: 

Zalo: It is a dish soap, specific for a dish, pans and pots. 

Most of the time is used with wrong dosage that leave stains on mirrors,  showers and shiny surfaces. Doesn’t work against kalk! 

Eddik: It is not a soap! It was tasted as disinfectant and is not effective  against all the bacteria but only few species. Klorin is better.  In my opinion the smell is too strong. 

Klorin: Sometimes we can use it in specific cases such as WC, pee stains  under WC, but the smell it might annoy the customer.

We are not desperate housewives , we are professional cleaner. 

If I have to change car tree times a month I wish to have the same equipment in every car. 


Keeping in mind that cooperation and collaboration makes life easier for  everyone we have to improve the way we manage the vaskerom with dirty  and clean stuff. For example deciding who is in charge and when.  

Going back and forth to the office to get the equipment many times a week by every team is pointless and we can try to help each other saving time and  energy.  

Teams who lives near can try to drive to the office once each and get the stuff for the group. 

I’m happy to work for this company but I also see room for improvement. Together we can do it better. 
